If you would like to pay cash on delivery, please use the "Contact Us" section and email through your order.

Discounts are available for larger purchases. Please contact us for details or a quote.

500g Raw Honey

Single batch 500g jar

1kg Raw Honey 1 x 1kg

Single batch 1kg jar

1kg Raw Honey 2 x 500g

2x 500g jars. If we have 2 different batches you can choose from a single batch or 2 different ones.

Honeycomb 250g

Fresh honeycomb cut straight from the frame

Full Frame of Honeycomb

Please contact us to see availability.

Beeswax 30g or 400g Bars
from $2.00

Filtered beeswax ready for all sorts of applications such as candle making, creams, balms etc.